Voice Lessons
I’ve been playing guitar, singing, and writing songs for decades. Apart from some guitar lessons at the beginning it’s all been self-taught through observation and ear playing. I’ve had some wonderful times performing in various formats. (I even toured the Czech Republic as the bass player for a half-American half-Czech butt rock band). But, sadly, I have never achieved success or produced anything of note.
I grew up in the country and have spent most of my life sort of on the fringes of civilization. As a result I have mostly had to play by myself. As a solo singer-songwriter, acoustic guitar has always made the most sense. And the vast majority of my practice and performance experience has been completely acoustic (no vocal mics or PAs).
But I like “rock” music. I guess that’s kind of a meaningless term at this point, but for me that means distorted guitars and driving bass. I even had my own short-lived rock band back in 2003. But I’ve always struggled with mic technique and I’ve never been satisfied with my vocal power in a rock setting. Rock requires powerful vocals, and my natural singing style never really seemed to cut it.
I guess I’m finally fed up with my limitations because last week I took my first vocal lesson. I have a wonderful teacher who has given me exercises and insights, and I have been practicing every day. This first week’s assignment was to learn three songs that stretch my abilities towards the vocal style I am aspiring to master. I have begun making some rudimentary recordings to help me practice, and figured I might as well put them up here so I can keep track of my progress, more or less in real time.

I’m going to give these voice lessons my best effort, and try not to be too hard on myself.
You have such a pleasant voice! And the song is great!
Aw, thanks so much Ekaterina! ☺️ I really appreciate the encouragement. (When I listen to that track I think the instrumentation sounds good but the vocals make me cringe a bit 😆, which is why I am glad I’m finally getting some coaching!)
I will be posting more ☺️