I bought something.
An electric guitar.
It’s used and I haven’t seen it in person. But I have high confidence. And if I don’t like it I can return it on the spot.
Mostly I play acoustic because I love the sound and simplicity. And mostly I’m playing by myself and…um…writing? (Hey, what happened with that?)
But I also regularly play an open mic, and an instrument that can plug into the PA is very desirable.
And…I LOVE electric guitars!
Can I satisfy all these requirements with one instrument?
Can I get it used?
Can I get it in “great” condition?
Can it be a magnificent expression of beautiful, functional art?
Can it cost $715?
Apparently so. Soon shall we see!

Music is such a beautiful healing experience!
It is 🙂 I am going to pick it up now. Very excited!