Well, that’s what I saw. It popped into my mind instantly and I said it out loud.
I was playing this game with my family. The Redstone Inkblot Test.
So, what do we learn about people who see Fallopian tubes when they look at this image?
I laughed out loud when I read this. When I read it aloud so did everyone else. The game (I guess it is more like an activity) feels a bit like reading horoscopes – like there’s something in each one that everybody can identify with. But this was almost on the nose – at least for the person I have been.
I started this blog as an exercise in, well it’s right there in the title – celebrating mediocrity! Accepting and embracing my place in society (cough cough, irrelevance) and attempting to transcend concepts of Success and Failure by celebrating the good things I am able to create and offer to the world, even if they can never be considered great.
What did you see? Here are the most commonly seen images and their alleged personality reflections.
The Daily Stone