My father was out of the state visiting family when I wrecked his car. As expected, he took the news with understanding and grace, grateful that no one was hurt. When he returned we got to work extricating the vehicles and righting his Escape. The first step was to use…
Category: #07 – Things that Happen Outside
#07 - Things that Happen Outside

In Medias Res (II)
So, now I had a satisfactory explanation for the catastrophe. I made a mistake. Bad luck, and the only lessons to learn are – A thought – my dashboard has every imaginable alert. “Check your gas cap,” “your tire pressure sensor is not functioning,” “your trunk is ajar,” etc. Why…
#07 - Things that Happen Outside

In Medias Res (I)
Last night I wrecked another vehicle. That’s two in a month. This probably makes me sound more dangerously irresponsible than I am. I wasn’t driving the first car that I wrecked, and it wasn’t a collision that wrecked it. I had just changed the oil in my car before sending…