Seven minutes – Just long enough to justify a miserable career, avert a horrific catastrophe, and assure me that my life has had some value
Category: #08 – Things that Go Wrong

Goddamn it. I don’t know if you tried to visit my site over the past couple of weeks, but anyone who did would have witnessed its decent into digital Tartarus. I’ve been occupied and wasn’t paying very close attention to this site. I eventually got around to an unusual email…

Technological Woes
I am convinced that “technology” (i.e. the consumer gadgets with all the electrons that intermediate our every modern interaction and constitute the basis of our civilization to such a degree that it is the only thing that comes to mind when the word technology is invoked) fails me FAR more…

If you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough
The day started out at high intensity. I got a text from Ironhorse at 8:00 AM that he was “ready to go.” I was still drinking my coffee. When I got to his place at 8:30 he had already gotten started without me. “Impatient?” I asked him as he limped…

In Medias Res (III)
My father was out of the state visiting family when I wrecked his car. As expected, he took the news with understanding and grace, grateful that no one was hurt. When he returned we got to work extricating the vehicles and righting his Escape. The first step was to use…