I’ve built a few little boats. The first one I built was a Puddle Duck Racer. It’s a great boat, but that is another story.
This boat is basically a Puddle Duck, but 12” narrower (so 3 feet wide instead of 4 feet). Puddle Ducks sail much better than they row. I’m hoping this one will improve rowing at the cost of some sailing capability. Other things as well. That will be a whole other post.
So, I’m 18.5 hours into this build. It’s a prototype so I didn’t want to spend too much time, energy, or money on this. My plan was to use material I already had. Unfortunately, the 1/4″ plywood I have is some of the nicest Home Depot 1/4″ ply I have ever seen.
The picture above demonstrates one of the great benefits – easy storage. And if you want you can even install temporary shelves.
And if you hate the boat, you can add some doors and turn it into a garden shed!
I’ve almost got it to the point where I can try it out for rowing!
A rough demo. This was the public debut of my original song In the Country (Lowlife/Highlife). The presentation is humorous but I snuck in some commentary. The Daily Stone
wow, wow, wow,
where will you use it? Do you have water nearby?
It’s a boat for sheltered waters. There are some small lakes and ponds around, as well as a river and an estuary. 🙂